
All posts tagged troubles

Triumph through Suffering

Published August 30, 2009 by imdaddysgirl

“It is simply impossible, in reference to suffering, always to explain the reason why.  You cannot unravel the mystery of suffering and give a logical answer.  But, while you cannot explain the Why, you can learn the How- the How of victory over it and through it, and around it.”  -E. Stanley Jones

Last year, I saw my dear cousin Vicki suffer through multiple surgeries, rounds of chemo and radiation.  She fought the enemy of cancer with courage and grace and  with an unwavering sense of humor.  As she had learned through the trials of her life before facing this diagnosis; an optimistic attitude goes a long way. 

Cancer may have ravaged her body, but it could not ravage her spirit.  Through the year that she literally fought for her life, her faith grew stronger, her love grew deeper, and her priorities were sharpened.  She continued to laugh.  She continued to be a strength and encouragement to those who were concerned for her.  She continued to give and be generous and look outward.  She refused to feel sorry for herself.  Her concern was more for her family and friends; whom she knew were devastated by this word “cancer” which had been spoken over her life.  Her motto and her life continued to exemplify: Live, Laugh, Love.

Was she a perfect person?  No.  She struggled like the rest of us.  She was delightfully falible.  I’m afraid I’d get a lightning bolt from heaven if I in any way tried to paint her as perfect.  She still had an Irish temper, but it too was tempered.  She cussed now and then, but not like she used to.  She was a strong believer; but not blind to the imperfection of the church.  While she was settled in her relationship with God, her relationship with the church was only healed at the end.  She may not have learned the Word by chapter and verse, but she learned and lived it by walking it out.

While we will never understand Why this happened, I have to say that in spite of what Vicki went through, she became her best.  She also brought out the best in those who knew and loved her.  Even those who only knew her through treatments.  I saw how the doctors, nurses, radiation techs etc. responded to her.  She brought their best forward as well.

She triumphed in and through her suffering.  She made her witnesses better people through it.  Her strength in the face of suffering continues to bolster me.  She was a powerful and victorious woman.  She loved well and was well loved.  She knew that this life on earth would be  short.  She knew it would be worse for we who loved her to say goodbye; than for her who would walk through the portals of glory.  She knew she’d see Jesus, and family who’d gone before her to Heaven.  She knew she’d see us again as well.

Romans 8:18   “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us.”

Father, Thank You.  Thank You for Your Word, the hope of Your promises.  Thank You for the example of Vicki, and all the faithful who have lived well as an example; even in the face of trial and suffering.  Thank You for Your goodness and grace even when difficult times come.  Thank You for Your comfort and peace even in loss; and the hope of eternity with You, and those who have gone before us in Christ.  Fill us fresh today with all of the hope of Your salvation; as we commit our hearts and lives and hopes to You.  In Jesus name, we pray.  Amen.

 2 Corinthians 1:3-5  “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can  comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.  For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.”

I love you Vicki!


So much more than fair

Published August 28, 2009 by imdaddysgirl

“God has a way of loving us and blessing us that is so much better than fair.  Think of the ways God has blessed usthat transcends what we “deserve”.  Every good thing that has ever come to us is a gift of God’s grace.”   -Charles E. Poole

I wish I had a dime for every time I’ve thought about whether life is fair or unfair; to me or to another.  Sometmes you see a really good person struggling horribly, and someone who seems to be an awful human apparently very blessed.  Why?  That’s a 10 million dollar question.  Most often , there’s no answer that will appease the worldly, wondering mind!

A friend, raising her girls, quite often reminded them that, “Life isn’t fair.”  I can’t say how many times I heard her say this; it always struck me as harsh.  You just want life to at least be fair.  Sadly, there are no promises that life will be fair. 

It seems that this life is especially unfair for those who have God’s interests at heart.  Why?  Because while we have promises in this life, our rewards are for the life to come. 

The Good News is that while life may not be fair, God has promised His peace.  In fact, He has said that we will have troubles in this world.  It’s not like you haven’t noticed by now, right?!  So, what I’m saying to You now is what Jesus said long ago.  Take heart!  Let His grace be Your sufficiency.  Receive His peace; no matter what troubles You today.  There will be brighter days ahead!

“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

Father, Thank You for Your peace in the midst of adversity.  Help me to see troubles through Your eyes.  Help me to walk in Your grace and sufficiency through the troubles of this day. Help me to remember that Your love and blessings are so much more than fair.  In Jesus name, I pray.  Amen.